Important – Rule Passed by the GMLS Board of Directors

There are many sections of the Global MLS Rules and Regulations that have been updated and approved by the GMLS BoD, however, Section closely pertains to the advertising of listings with your IDX feed.


IDX listing displays shall include both the listing firm in a reasonably prominent location and in a readily visible color and typeface not smaller than the median used in the display of listing data, and the Listing Agent’s name and cell phone number.

Contact the Global MLS via email with a list of your listing agents’ names, member #, and cell phone number to be associated with your listings, and send to:

The Global MLS has notified the IDX vendors of the inclusion of display of the LA cell # to be complied with, however, it is also in your best interest to contact your website vendor to be sure of compliance with this rule, as the members of Global MLS will be held responsible for compliance.  The Global MLS begin reviewing compliance with this rule around June 1, 2021.